PEARL is the Policy, Elections, and Representation Lab. I am the Director.
We are interested in four big questions: How do individuals make decisions about politics? How do politicians make policy and represent citizens? How is technology changing governance and politics? Since March 2020, we have added a fourth question: What are the political and social contexts and consequences of COVID-19? Much of this work reflects my prior interests in politicians, citizens, and technology.
To answer these, we organize our research into four broad groups: Voting Behaviour and Public Opinion; Political Elites and Representation; Artificial Intelligence, Governance, and Democracy; and, COVID, Politics, and Society.
Our research is principally empirical, combining various forms of survey data with experiments (including field, lab, and survey experiments). We also use text-as-data, administrative records, and social media data.
Our various publications can be found on the publications page.
Our lab research projects often involve partnerships. Current and past projects and partnerships include MEO, the Digital Democracy Project, the Canadian Election Study and Consortium on Electoral Democracy, Public Policy Forum, Clean Prosperity, the Commission on Leaders Debates, The Samara Centre for Democracy, the Privy Council Office of Canada, the Ministry for the Status of Women, and the Digital Public Square.
Our website is here.